What to expect.
First, contact.
Upon contacting me, I will return your call and spend time discussing your current symptoms and goals for treatment to ensure goodness of fit. I do not have support staff, so you will hear directly from me. I works with all gender and sexual identities between the age of 18 and 65. Patients who are pregnant should anticipate being seen at least monthly during their pregnancy and the first year postpartum. Patients who require less management can go up to 3 months between visits, or we may discuss transitioning you out to be managed by your primary care provider.
Then, connect.
Should you decide to schedule a visit, please anticipate the initial consultation lasting 90 minutes (in person for vaccinated individuals, or via telemedicine). Spouses, partners, family members, and other significant people in your life are welcome to join for all or part of the first visit. Should additional treatment visits be scheduled, follow-up appointments are offered at either 25 minutes (medication management) or 45 minutes (therapy +/- medication management). In case of emergencies, I have grouped together with 3 other fantastic providers to provide coverage for after hours or out of office needs.
In order to provide optimal care keep my practice small and personalized rather than rushed and full of paperwork, I have opted out of private insurance and is not a member of any insurance panels.
Payment is due at each session and may be made by check, cash, or credit card. Superbills (receipts) are available upon request and may be submitted by the patient to his/her insurance company for reimbursement.
Credit cards that are manually entered do have an extra 5% fee charged, to mitigate the fee’s imposed on me by the processing agency.
I do keep a limited number of sliding scale clients in my practice.